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  Name Games City ▼ State Zip
Rosterz_logo_s McConnell Aréna at McGill University 0 Montréal Quebec H2W 1S4
Rosterz_logo_s YMCA Hochelaga-Maisonneuve 0 Montréal Quebec H1V 1C8
Rosterz_logo_s Patinoire Vegapolis 0 Montpellier Languedoc-Roussillon 34000
Rosterz_logo_s Central Vermont Civic Center 0 Montpelier Vermont 05602
Rosterz_logo_s Natureisbahn Montmollin 0 Montmollin Neuchâtel 2037
Rosterz_logo_s Montmartre Skating Rink 0 Montmartre Saskatchewan S0G 3M0
Rosterz_logo_s Aréna de Montmagny 1 0 Montmagny Quebec G5V 1J6
Rosterz_logo_s Aréna de Montmagny 2 0 Montmagny Quebec G5V 4E8
Rosterz_logo_s Holiday Mountain Ski & Fun Park 0 Monticello New York 12701
Rosterz_logo_s Kutscher's Ice Rink, Kutscher's Country Club 0 Monticello New York 12701