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  Name Games City State Zip
Rosterz_logo_s Konalan luonnonjääkenttä 0 Helsinki Uusimaa 390
Rosterz_logo_s Kondopoga Palace of Sports 0 Kondopoga (Respublika karelia) Republic of Karelia
Rosterz_logo_s Kongsberghallen 0 Kongsberg Buskerud 3617
Rosterz_logo_s Kongsvinger Ishall 0 Kongsvinger Hedmark 2201
Rosterz_logo_s König-Palast-Krefeld 0 Krefeld North Rhine-Westphalia 47803
Rosterz_logo_s König-Pilsener-ARENA 0 Oberhausen North Rhine-Westphalia 46047
Rosterz_logo_s Konotop Ice Rink 0 Konotop (Конотоп) Sumy 40000-40030
Rosterz_logo_s Kontinent Shopping Center Ice Rink 0 Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg 197341
Rosterz_logo_s Kontiohalli/ Kontiolahden jäähalli 0 Kontiolahti North Karelia 81100
Rosterz_logo_s Kontulan liikuntapuiston luonnonjääkenttä 0 Helsinki Uusimaa 940